Principal's News
Anna-Marie McAleer
Kia ora Parent(s)/Caregiver(s)
Learn, achieve, celebrate together.
At Glamorgan, we believe it’s important to take time to celebrate our children’s incredible achievements. Celebration isn’t just about acknowledging accomplishments; it’s about nurturing confidence, fostering a growth mindset, and instilling a sense of pride in our students.
We invite you to share your child’s successes with us! Whether it’s academic accomplishments, sporting or artistic achievements, we want to celebrate each child’s journey. You are always welcome to share with your child’s teacher, and if you would like to share with our wider school community, please feel free to email me so I can celebrate the achievement in our school newsletter.
Last week, we appointed our student leaders. We are very proud of them and want to celebrate their leadership appointment. If you see the following students, please congratulate them!
Nick Glukhov, Andrea Arnold, Siang Siaw, Olivia Reynolds Capel, Sean Lind, Miyabi Ellison, Cara Taylor-Hanlon, Chris Zhou, Sam Nguyen, Maeve van Baaren, Camryn Le Maitre, Siyona Sanvi, and Andrey Artichshev.
Have a safe and enjoyable weekend ahead.
Ngā mihi nui,
Anna-Marie McAleer
Tumuaki – Principal
Anna-Marie McAleer
Tumuaki – Principal